I dan't know if this is still valid but I used to be told to have different partitions for your system, logs and data (home directories) .. and have the swap-partition located in between them.
This was to limit the distance the head has to move when reading from your system starts swapping.
But if you use a SSD drive, that is not valid anymore of course :-)
Nowadays you don't even need a /boot unless you're doing full disk encryption and I actually recommend keeping /boot on / if you're doing BTRFS root snapshots. Being able to include your kernel images in your snapshots makes rollbacks painlessly easy.
UEFI forum made it a requirement for motherboard constructors (hp, dell, msi...) to make their UEFI implementation to be able to at least read fat(12/16/32) filesystems. That is why you need a fat(12/16/32) partition flagged ESP (efi system partition) for holding your boot files.
So, I dont think you can do that unless you fall back to the old outdated BIOS or you have some *nix filesystem in your uefi implementation which I dont trust.
You're only partially correct. /boot doesn't have to also be your EFI partition. In fact, most distros by default will separate the two, with the EFI partition mounted at /boot/efi and /boot being a separate ext4 based partition. My suggestion is that, if you're running BTRFS, you should merge /boot and / as one partition. You're still free to have a FAT32-based EFI mounted at /boot/efi or better yet /efi.
I am guessing you're on systemd-boot? Yeah, one of the reasons why I hesitate to use it is how it requires EFI contain the kernel images. I am currently using refind.
That is why one small (512Mib) ESP and one BTRFS partition occupying the rest of my drive is my go, I can isolate the root (/), var and home partitions using subvolumes.
Users who distro hope may need a separate /home partition.
Aaaand your server just crashed because of a spammy log. You lost the company $222 million overnight, the database is corrupt, and every 9 minutes the company looses another $1 million.
systemd resets the logs when they get big, this isn't the 2000s anymore. But if you want to limit the size of /var/log, any modern filesystem has disk quotas per-directory