I apologize for the misunderstanding. When OP asked for NewPipe alternatives, I assumed they were an Android user, where is Material design very popular.
MYD stands for "Material You Design". Somewhere you can also see M3 (Material 3).
This is the latest Material Design version introduced in Android 12.
Yep, it's basically a sorting software that makes sure your IP is always sorted under the "somewhere else" tag, so the government can't see where you are, or more accurately when you are.
do any of those work well on smartTVs
newpipe crashes after 1:10 so i switched to https://github.com/Jeeaaasus/youtube-dl and just grab my subscriptions and watch them in beloved kodi.
Thank you. Had tried kodi plugin for YT and had a terrible experience. Pretty much stuck to using YT only on mobile or browser for so long thinking removing ads on TV wasn't possible. Now can enjoy some good videos without 3 unskippable ads nearly after every video.
tried it.
maybe i dont know how, but in newpipe i can sub channels without a login.
smartube cant do that,right?
i do not have accounts with google,apple or crooks alike.
how would i sub to channels then in smartube?