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Poem_for_your_sprog Nono, use hydrogen and have ignitors on a timer or altitude switch.
36 1 ReplyMrShankles What a fresh sprog! Beautiful as always
11 0 ReplyFreshfrozenplasma I look forward to your poems sprog!
5 0 Replyprole
Eh, I'd be OK if novelty accounts were a reddit-only thing.
1 3 Replypm_boobs_send_nudes Hence 4chan exists
2 0 Replyprole
I don't follow. Are you telling me to go to 4Chan if I don't want low effort novelty accounts polluting the dialogue?
1 0 Replypm_boobs_send_nudes Yes. Expect lot of karma farmers where identity exists and value is given to it.
1 0 Reply
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