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  • We finally had our little group together and played wingspan - for such a popular but often polarized game I was eager and it turned out the game is … just Ok. The engine part never really materialized that much. The theme is neat but does little for me (I am a biologist, mind you). Overall its not a bad game but i would often choose other games in the collection.

    We also played Dominion, Ark Nova and Terraforming Mars - all are amazing as usual

    • I think Wingspan is a good game but its weight is a bit tricky. My group finds it too light, my family finds it too complicated... Fantastic production value tho.

      It's sad that Wingspan is the #1 in the Family category on bgg. From personal experience it's more like a "next-level" kind of game. Everdell at #3 isn't doing anyone any favors either!

    • LOVE terraforming mars! Have you played the card version? I thought that was fun (and easier to clean up) 😆

      • Unfortunately I have not. This is Ares, right?

        We just got an expansion for it, too! Its called Venus next! Will report when we have tried it :)

        I still want to make an organizer for Terraforming mars because its a mess in that box!

        • I remember when I first got my Broken Token organizer (with player boards) for Terraforming Mars. What a game changer!

          • I want to make my own, thinking of something thematic. Maybe designing a rover as the card holder or something silly

            • I used to make organizers out of foam and they worked out ok. Unfortunately I'm not a very skilled individual and came out all crooked XD

              If you have the skill to measure and cut straight, which I don't, definitely consider buying foam sheets and wood glue on your local hardware shop. It's so cheap!

    • @dpunked I think of Wingspan as a stepping stone game - it introduces people to euro mechanisms like worker placement (kind of), card tableaus, special powers and so on but it's all stuff most gamers have seen more interestingly implemented. The production quality is good and the bird sanctuary setting is not as alienating as, say, the industrial revolution, or trading in the Mediterranean.

      • Yeah, I agree with that. If it would be the first game for someone, then its not bad. But once you have a small collection it would see the table less often

    • Wingspan is definitely one of those games that I would happily play if someone else wanted to because it's so dang charming! But the gameplay leaves something to be desired. I believe some of the expansions add a little more interactivity between players, but I'm not too sure.