Anthropomorphic animals have been a staple since Disney and freaking Aesop! 600BCE. People labeling it all the same as people who have a fursona are really weird.
It seems like this is what the bigots and outrage enthusiasts have latched into since they've been thoroughly shunned for hating other demographics (trans people most recently). It seems like it's getting more posts recently.
That's exactly how it is. Bullying LGBTQ+ is shunned upon these days, so bigots are redirecting their hatred to the next thing on the list they don't understand, furries
Hey, I want to clarify, I'm not looking to bully or harass the furry community or any of its members, I'm a furry myself, and I made this meme simply because I thought it was intresting how common anthropomorphic animals are in animation
All good with you, also agree it's interesting to see anthro characters getting more screen time lately. What disappoints me is the creeping tide of hate, one can't bring up the topic without trolls starting a fire
Eh, I guess, but it is a bit harder to understand. You mention LGBTQ+, so considering the sexual aspect of furries... sexualizing animals... yeah. As long as they're not going to actual bestiality, I don't really care. But no, I don't understand.
It's not harder to understand, it just has had less media exposure which means it feels more alien to the majority out there. There is a lot of nuance in anthropomorphism, most of it isn't even sexualised and doesn't count as furry. But the masses have an aversion to nuance.
Imo it's very similar to drag, furries have an alt ego that just happens to be an anthropomorphic animal, period.
Saying that liking any of these shows makes someone a furry is about as right as saying you must be queer or something if you liked watching Ms. Doubtfire. It's clearly trolling.
Sure there've been talking animals since humans have been telling stories, but what seems to be new is the rando who's always there in the comments to say "Yo, I'd totally tap Tigger's ass", "That Coyote character is a snack."
I'm sorry you can't find a comments section more than a few decades old. Perhaps it's because the Internet didn't exist?
But I can guarantee people have been weirdly sexualizing everything forever. Roman artwork proves that.
Some Romans were swingers. Also, furries. The good people of ancient Rome weren't afraid to get a little freaky. Archaeological evidence suggests that some Roman households were home to private sex clubs, decorated like brothels and complete with their own entrance. Other people liked to dress up as animals, everything from bulls to leopards, and roleplay during sex. And here you thought furries were some kind of weird Internet-era kink!
That's because of your personal biases and perceptions. Not anything larger surrounding it or backing your opinion up. Unless they're out there performing indecent public acts. Where is the problem? And my knowledge in general they aren't. While some might have fetishes surrounding furries. Furries in and of themselves are not objectively a sexual fetish. No more than people cosplaying is.
Stop sexualizing everyone because of what you see on the Internet. They aren't fucking in public. People are allowed to be into fur suits and fursonas and also like fucking in them in private. That's like people being weirded out seeing you around kids because they know you had sex once.
Stop sexualizing everyone because of what you see on the Internet. They aren’t fucking in public.
The fuck...I was there. The furries in bondage gear playing with a couple of toddlers is seared in my head. HAVE SOME SELF AWARENESS....that's all I'm asking.