A classic game you can beat over a weekend. I love that it stays true to the squishy, goofy original art. Man that boss theme is so nostalgic, the whole OST is a bop.
I've played it a few times casually, but last full playthrough I did I think my play time was 20 hours or so. So maybe a long weekend, but yeah its a short game. It doesn't waste your time and keeps things fresh and moving pretty quick. No grinding, no resource time gating, a straight no frills experience. Just run around and fight monsters for levels. If you've never played it before, really take in the OST, it is 10/10. Especially if you're a fan of the music from that console era.
The story is cute, and has some good jokes. Its just a solid game, and great to chill to. Unless you go out of your way for secret bosses, the main story is fairly easy as well.