I use Fastmail for my email and calendar.
Their server also supports CalDAV task lists, but unfortunately they don't have any web UI for tasks. In the past, I have self-hosted Nextcloud for tasks, but ultimately dropped it as I had some issues with my server at the time, so it wasn't reliable, and I found Nextcloud to be too heavy and slow for my needs. I'm now considering self-hosting Vikunja.
I've looked at it a few times, but I've never got around to setting it up. I think my first try would be with Nextcloud, then moving to a dedicated server if that proves too slow or unreliable. Has it been much maintenance for you, or mostly fire-and-forget?
DAVx⁵ is fire-and-forget (if you have a reliable server). Nextcloud usually requires work to set up and maintain, but there are lots of resources out there to help. Tons of people use and love it.