I like being able to say what I want without being banned by a power-tripping mod, or downvoted into irrelevance by a circle jerk. We need to be able to point out that the Emperor isn't wearing clothes.
Does karma change that? We still have upvotes and downvotes, and you can sort comments by how well they do, and mods can still ban people not only from a community, but from a whole instance.
Well except for those who are here because of a bullshit Reddit ban, but my attitude towards that is "You can't fire me I quit"
We're free of the mundanes, I can say what I want as long as I'm not being toxic af! No auto-moderator is going to flag me for using "Ableist Langauge" because I can't keep with what terms have and haven't been considered "problematic"
I mean, the word "removed", obviously (God what places on the Corpo Net can you say THAT word nowadays?), that's not cool to say. But seriously I had one auto-mod flag me for saying "crazy" because it was "offensive to the mentally unwell"
removed I'm bi-polar and literally autistic, I AM mentally unwell, I think I have an n-word pass in this instance... Not that I should need one to say "crazy"
I like being able to say what I want without being banned by a power-tripping mod
There's currently nothing stopping a mod from creating a bot that deletes comments below certain threshold or that bans users for commenting on communities they don't approve like they did on Reddit. Only site policies can prevent that.
Ugh.. I remember the "Sorry you have been banned from...." messages, it was amusing when I was banned from subreddits I hadn't heard of.
Thing is Reddit policies are supposed to make it so you can't be banned from one subreddit for your reputation or behavior in another, I actually told a mod this and he just laughed at me.