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Seven types of heirloom tomatoes I picked from the garden today

Though that Black Pineapple I'm pretty sure must have crossed with something else, it's normally green with splashes of red, not orange with red.

[Image description: a cutting board with seven medium to large sized tomatoes of varying colors, with the name next to each. The tomatoes are the Golden King of Siberia, the Black Pineapple (or Ananas Noire), the Berkeley Tie Dye Green, the Sart Roloise, the Dr. Wyche's Yellow, the German Pink, and the Black Beauty.]


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  • Have you ever grown Black Krims? Not prolific but each one is worth a meal of its own!

    • I have, but only once. I had such poor results (few fruits, and small for a supposed beefsteak) that I haven't grown it again. I probably ought to though, one shot is not really a fair trial.

      • I agree, and yeah, they only produce a few tomatoes per vine, but the ones we grew were quite large... and the taste!

        One of my favorite things is just giving someone who doesn't know a slice, no salt, no bread and have them eat it... then watch their eyes light up.

        • Oh yes, it's a delight being able to convert previous tomato-haters and show them the light.

          My first year in my house, one of the varieties I grew were Sungolds. My next door neighbor's son proclaimed he hated tomatoes, and I persuaded him to give a little one a try, and I'll never forget the shock with which he said "'s sweet‽" And then asked for another!

          • Oh yeah!! And talk about a tomato you get so much of that you're giving them away. <3 Sungold