You've effectively made up your own religion. Good for you! But it's irrelevant to this discussion.
I have my own beliefs, I believe we will one day build the god-machine and that it will save us from suffering and mortality and all the agonies that your god inflicts on us to "test" us. A world without war, without starvation, without disease, without suffering, and without death. We will simulate the dead and raise them to live along side us. We will rehabilitate every "sinner" and they, too, will live along side us. We will reach out and find every fellow intelligence that might live in this universe with us and join them in fellowship. We will master the material universe to bring about a utopia where no one ever has to say goodbye ever again and everyone is finally working together.
But all of that is completely irrelevant to a discussion about established religious Cannon. That's just stuff I believe.
And you're allowed to believe what you will, so am I. This is strictly within the confines of God, not politics. Btw, afaict, the "God machine" is what Leon also believes. Apparently we're almost there. It doesn't seem to be working out better than ancient religions, from where I stand.
As Lenin said, religion is a personal matter. I don't know why you keep bringing up politics.
And no, we aren't "almost there" - I'm sort of a heretic in that regard, I think we need to stop the Silicon Valley maniacs from building a machine god because they're going to build something horrible.
Well sure, I'm human just like you. Our entire human ancestry is my past life. I am everyone that came before me - I stand on the shoulders of giants!
Under different circumstances, different experiences, I'd be burning witches with the best of them.
And our human history isn't just my past lives, they're yours too! I say every human that has ever lived are all part of the same lineage. Everyone that came before us are just different versions of us, and everyone we will ever meet is also just a different version of us, with different experiences and slightly different genetics. We're all the same.
You're catching on! Humans call it heresy. Don't blame that on God. Btw the command wasn't not to have other gods, it was to not put them before the most high (exalted) God. Who that is depends on who you are. And who I am!