You know people can attack Tesla’s future income stream simply by not buying a Tesla.
And you can attack it even more by dissuading other people too.
There’s no need to destroy random citizens private property
There is a need if faster results are sought.
and we already established they are not made whole by insurance.
Then sell before it's vandalised.
is naive to think insurance prices will only rise for future Tesla owners.
This is how insurance works. Brands, models and even colors have different premiums.
If I disagree with something you do, that does not justify me destroying your private property.
It's not about the Tesla owner directly. It's about damaging Musk.
I should state that I am not going to damage anyone's private property, but current and future Tesla owners should be aware of the logic behind the attacks and act appropriately.
Maybe one day you will be on the receiving end of such despicable attacks on private citizens and only then you might change your mind.
You do not get to dictate what cars people get to buy, nor what kind of insurance they must have. That is not how insurance works, premiums will go up for everyone.
Besides, you tell people to sell their cars, while you acknowledge the big financial hit that would involve; who are they going to sell it to? Whoever buys it will also suffer from the vandalism you encourage.
Maybe one day you will be on the receiving end of such despicable attacks on private citizens and only then you might change your mind.
Maybe I've already sold my Tesla and I'm no longer supporting Musk in any shape or form. I might be changing the mind of a Tesla owner currently reading this.
You do not get to dictate what cars people get to buy, nor what kind of insurance they must have.
Agreed. You are free to choose your own car along with it's associated running costs.
That is not how insurance works, premiums will go up for everyone.
It is how insurance works. If causes of risks can be directly identified and measured then they can be directly priced. Any insurer not doing so will lose business.
who are they going to sell it to?
They will have to drop the price until they find a buyer. That will affect new car sales and damage Musk further. See how this works?
Whoever buys it will also suffer from the vandalism you encourage.
Yep. For a low enough price, people may be willing to take the vandalism risk and also become a social pariah.
Again, maybe one days you will be on the receiving end of such despicable attacks on private citizens, and only then you might change your mind. It doesn’t need to be about Tesla. It doesn’t even need to be about something you agree with.
Insurance prices will rise across the board, maybe more for Tesla, but also for other brands. That is just how insurance works.
You can impact new car sales simply by encouraging people to not buy a new Tesla. You don’t need to destroy people’s private property to accomplish that goal.
No. I invoked it to highlight the absurdity of this line of thinking: that it is somehow acceptable to damage the property of a worker who may be completely innocent.
See you keep saying "defending a Nazi". I keep saying "you're torching the personal property of people who are not Elon Musk and who likely innocently bought the vehicle". If you're just going to talk right past me and start talking about Musk when I'm talking about individual workers, I don't see how this is a real conversation at all.
But just to be clear: torching Teslas that Musk already got paid for does not hurt him.
No that’s the thing, it won’t only be when you buy a Tesla, it will be when you do whatever the mob terrorists deem wrong.
Insurance premiums will rise across the board. Ask two or three insurance companies if you don’t want to take my word for it. You have no idea how insurance businesses operate.
No that’s the thing, it won’t only be when you buy a Tesla, it will be when you do whatever the mob terrorists deem wrong.
That's true for vigilantism in general, but Tesla vandalism is not really targeting the owners.
Nor is it a Mob because the attacks are decentralized, not organised.
Various people are deciding to perform criminal acts independently of each other.
Think of it more like extreme consumer activism than vandalism.
Insurance premiums will rise across the board.
No. Only on Teslas.
Ask two or three insurance companies if you don’t want to take my word for it.
OK. Just did so. They agree with me.
You have no idea how insurance businesses operate.
I do. The insurance business prices risks. Tesla vandalism only affects Teslas so only their premiums are affected. Any insurance company that tries to increase BMW insurance premiums because of Tesla risks will sell less insurance.
It is absolutely targeting the owners of the cars, otherwise don't vandalize the car.
Ok maybe mob is not the right word. You get the point.
It is vandalism. It is not consumer activism.
Insurance premiums will increase on all cars. I do not believe you just asked several insurance companies so quickly, it is regrettable you seem to be resorting to lying. Brand is not the only criteria for premium adjustments, location is another one and there are many more.
No. It's very similar to activism like Greenpeace or Just Stop Oil.
There are grades of vandalism. Personally I would only condone non permanent actions like flour&eggs or mud, but we see that arson exists at the extreme end of the scale.
Insurance premiums will increase on all cars.
No. Only Teslas world have an increased claim rate. Location and all other factors stay constant.
I do not believe you just asked several insurance companies so quickly
I do not believe you understand how insurance premiums are priced.