Lemmies, We just reached over 10k subscribers, thank you all for helping us grow from our small humble beginning, to now the capital for US political debates and news.
They’re not really much debate going on in this community. 95% of all posts are just “lol republican dumb Nazis” and every comment that’s not agreeing is downvoted to hell.
The point, which will always be lost on you, is that we see no reason to engage, or take seriously, an ideology based on lies, hate, and oppression—one that cultivates division, stupidity, and has zero actual redeeming values that do not involve restricting human rights.
Nobody owes your archaic political views a platform. We—and I speak for the proudly 'woke' progressive leftists, who value the rights of others and believe in equality and diversity—are sick of your self-centred psychopathy.
There are plenty of platforms for you to circlejerk with feeble minded xenophobes while sucking off your grifting conservative overlords.
If you can't respect the rights of minorities, the poor, the disenfranchised, then you have no value to me. You're either conning others or being conned. That's the extent of your "values."
You're all just weak, scared little children who have the same capacity for self-reflection as a fucking turnip.
Every argument is disingenuous; every political position is based on bad science and lies. And you still complain like whiney little removed when you get shunned by the rational free-thinking majority.
Go and wipe that drool off your chin with your Pauline Hanson flag, you mouth-breathing regressive bogan Nazi.
You’ve mistake me for a republican and or a conservative. I’m neither.
I’m against echo chambers and “my side and their views are right by default, all others are wrong” views. That’s what this community seems to be, unquestionably. Look at everything that’s posted - it’s all anti-republican/conservative.
I'm a leftist, and I'm "mistaken" for a republican all the time. It's projecting. A lot of what is accused of by my party they are guilty of themselves. They're crazy if they don't think their own rhetoric isn't just as bad or worse than what Republicans currently say.
The brainwashing into being able to dehumanize others is horrific. Yet here we are.
I’m a leftist, and I’m “mistaken” for a republican all the time.
The current "left" seems to be "as soon as you disagree with any of my points, you're a MAGA Trumper Republican Nazi".
You can be trying to fight climate change, want all people to have equal rights, be pushing for a UBI, supporting reparations for indigenous people, but the second you dare say "hey maybe we should just keep the books telling you how to have anal sex away from the 10 year olds?" you're instantly a nazi.
There’s always some right wing snowflake whining yet adding nothing. We’re all doing our part. You’re doing yours. Maybe you can make a joke about identifying as a helicopter now, and you’ll be done for the rest of the year.
If Republicans ever quit doin' nazi shit, people will quit pointin' it out.
There's already too many places where disingenuous support for nazi shit is welcome: reddit, facebook, threads, bluesky, truth social, 4chan, twitter, youtube comments, and far too many more.
Not everywhere has to be, and I hope the mods won't be swayed by the constant insufferable whining of people who won't shut up about how unhappy they are that everywhere isn't stormfront.
If people stop moving the goalposts on what "litteral Nazi shit" is, you'd find that most Republicans aren't literal nazis. Are there some? Yes. Do they make up a significant amount? Not eve close.
I'd say cheering when someone suggests eradicating a vulnerable minority is nazi shit. I'd say marching with nazis is nazi shit. I'd say carrying a nazi flag is nazi shit.
Welcoming nazis into your party? That's nazi shit.
That’s taken completely out of context and you know it.
It’s not calling for trans people to be eradicated, it’s calling for the current trans ideologies, where if you’re a girl who likes trucks you must be trans and therefore must be rushed on to puberty blockers and get your breast removed, to be eradicated.
No one is calling for trans people to be eradicated as in “killed”. That’s what Nazis did - they literally killed people by the millions.
No one is suggesting or calling for a genocide. It’s not happening. It’s not going to happen. You’re just fear mongering to try and paint people you don’t like as Nazis.
I swear some of you want an actual genocide so you can go “see I told you!!!”
I call a spade a spade ♠️. Ask a trans person what they think Knowles meant. You won’t. Because you know what they’d say. And you don’t care , because you assert your ignorance as truth.
It’s not calling for trans people to be eradicated, it’s calling for the current trans ideologies
I'd say this is a distinction without a difference, since both involve eradication of trans people from public life, but the latter involves eradication of the very idea that trans people exist. That's worse.
You're being disingenuous. Then you move straight into the standard conservative bigoted lies which I'll not quote.
No one is calling for trans people to be eradicated as in “killed”.
They absolutely are. Don't insult people by expecting them to buy such hogwash.
Trump got 74 million votes. They’re Nazis. They may not know it or admit it, but they are. If you vote for fascism, you are a fascist. Giving people the benefit of the doubt or a second chance is what caused Trump in the first place. It can happen here.
So everyone that voted for trump is a Nazi? Everyone that voted for trump wants the jews and all non blonde hair blue eyed people to be rounded up and killed?
If you vote for fascism, you are a fascist.
You guys really are killing the meaning of these words. No party is promoting fascism. One party is promoting silencing their opponents though, which is a big element of fascism. Can you guess which one it is? Hint - not who you want it to be.
Giving people the benefit of the doubt or a second chance is what caused Trump in the first place.
Trump being elected was a combination of the democrats being so out of touch with the general population that they thought just paying millionaire celebrities to shill for Clinton would resonate with the average joe. They thought that neglecting half the population would work, while also demonizing them. The fact that trump got elected should tell you that the democrats were half the problem at least, because it got to the point that people would rather a terrible meme worthy business man with the worst wig and fake tan in the world be president than the competition.
The majority of people in here are just so completely clueless on how far gone they are in their bias, it's insane.
So you think it's important to distinguish between "eradicate transgenderism" and "eradicate transgender people". Because the second would be Nazis and the first is just Republicans.
Umberto Eco. Timothy Snyder. Fascism has been studied. MAGA meets the criteria. You conflated 2016 with 2020. Trump and MAGA couldn’t be classified as fascist in 2016. By 2020 it should have been obvious. 74 million said, “Give me more of that fascism.” The Nazis were fascist, therefore Trump is a Nazi. The people that voted for him, voted for fascism. Therefore, they are fascist. Logic, bro. I don’t like it. I have family that are fascist. I’m not going to wait for them to turn over my gay neighbors before calling them fascist. Learn what it is now, before it’s too late.
What “fascism” are people asking for? Actual examples that meet the definition of fascism please.
In your link, what criteria does "MAGA" meet? (I'll humour you and overlook the fact that "MAGA" is literally just a catchphrase for returning america to being "the (self proclaimed) greatest country on earth").
America has a 2 party system. Democrats and republicans. If you don't like the democrats and their policies and handling of the country, you vote republican. That doesn't mean you're a Nazi, and anyone suggesting it does is just telling people to ignore them and their crazy opinions.
Your logic is "I declare trump a fascist, therefore anyone that votes for him is a nazi". That's terrible, terrible, idiotic logic.
Also not really sure who declared Umberto Eco the expert on Fascism.
The logic is not sound. The entire "logic" is based on wanting something to be fascism, so calling it fascism, and then using that same terrible "logic" to classify tens of millions of people as a nazi based on nothing other than wanting to call them nazis.
I guess I'll keep waiting for those actual examples that meet the definition of fascism, right? Surely you're going to list them, right?
Your ignorance is boring me. C’mon man. Give me something to convince me. At least give me doubts. The description of fascism is in the links. MAGA meets the criteria. Nazis were fascist. MAGA = Nazi. Just because you don’t like it, doesn’t mean it’s not true. They are never going to declare themselves Fascist or Nazis. Would you?
This thread has a lively debate. That seems to be contrary to your characterization. I do understand why fascist propaganda and talking points don’t go over well here though. It’s probably upsetting to not get a lot of support.
From where I'm sitting, it looks like Republicans pop in and whine that people keep calling them nazis for doin' nazi shit, and then act even more offended when people elaborate on exactly what sort of nazi shit that Republicans are doing.
No, I want people to stop calling everyone they disagree with a nazi/fascist and simply shouting "YOURE A NAZI!" over and over instead of actually having a conversation.
You guys are doing your absolute best to make terms like nazi and fascist lose all meaning, just like you have already done with transphobe and bigot.
I don’t understand why transphobic fascists get so upset when their transphobic fascist posts are criticized.
The issue is when people, probably like yourself, incorrectly call things transphobia and fascism, while excusing your own side for their fascist tendencies (like silencing opposition, controlling narratives on social media, etc).
99% of what is called "transphobia" and "fascism" online these days is neither.
Person 1: "Drag queens shouldn't be allowed to perform sexually charged strip teases for children. It's inappropriate even if it was a straight white male doing a strip tease and acting that way."
The issue is when people, probably like yourself, incorrectly call things transphobia and fascism, while excusing your own side for their fascist tendencies (like silencing opposition, controlling narratives on social media, etc).
I'd say calling for the eradication of trans people is both transphobic and fascist.
I brought this exact issue up with the moderators of c/politics and they dont care. In fact one of the moderators (yoBuckStopsHere) is the top poster of all the tabloid articles that have little to nothing to do with politics. Hes trying to curate a community that vilifies one particular party. Its sad.
Speak of the devil. Are you here to spread lies that I "spam violent comments" or do you save that for just other communities? Perhaps youre here to delete more posts you dont agree with?