While I get that people try to hurt Tesla's sales, please don't set random people's property on fire. You might destroy the live of someone who bought a car before Edolf Musk rose to power and displayed the extent of his insanity.
Couldn't care less for Tesla's fresh out the factory tho
That's true. In an unrelated note there's a tesla gigafactory near Berlin. Also, there's a brand new train track to it. Also unrelated, I heard fires are really bad for train tracks.
Yeah, I recently saw a Tesla here with a sticker on its back reading:
"I bought this before Elon went crazy"
Those will probably get wildly popular to secure their cars
And I'm all with you, that destroying people's property is just a shit move...
Edit: and forgot to add:
There are still quite some anti-EV people around, that just seem to hate on EVs in general
If such a fucker destroys my Renault EV, I'd be more than just pissed
So what are we saying? Destruction of people's property is cool if it passes some arbitrary threshold that seems like they must be "well off" to own that property?
Does that also mean it's cool to rob anyone who owns a macbook, on the assumption they'd have a cheaper laptop if they weren't loaded?
Where I live, the taxi drivers primarily are driving Teslas and other electric cars because they do crazy mileage for their job and so over time the Tesla is actually the most economical choice for them. And that's just a regular working class job.
Well you said those words, but then followed on by saying what seems to be an excuse for exactly that - effectively they are rich so they can afford it
The original commenter said that burning down Teslas might destroy the owners life. This is a car that costs somewhere between 40000 (?) and 150000 dollars. Someone who can afford that is highly likely to recover. That's what this commenter pointed out.
Stating that isn't saying that it's cool to burn down a random person's car.
Many people save up for such a major expense, like a car
So they save up for years, because they really would like to have that one specific car and then some idiot comes around and destroys it, because he doesn't like the owner of the manufacturer
And many people bought it while Tesla was pretty much the only decent EV
and even if the driver could buy the car without selling his kidney, it doesn't mean, that he has a bunch of cars in his home