President Trump's approval rating with Hispanics during his second term has dropped 11 points in one week, polls find.
Donald Trump's approval rating among Hispanic Americans has dropped to 34%, tying its lowest point of his second term, according to a new Economist/YouGov poll.
This marks an 11-point drop from last week’s 45% approval. His overall approval stands at 47%, while a CNN poll found 56% of Americans disapprove of his handling of the economy.
The decline comes amid concerns over tariffs and a possible recession.
I swear to god I will point and laugh at any Hispanic person who votes for Trump. And I will laugh harder when their friends and family are getting deported because they very fucking literally asked for it.
Like, seriously, guys, he fucking hates you. He thinks you’re üntermensch. He is actively fucking scapegoating you and people who look like you. How in the ever loving fuck do you get right with that?
My brother in law and his wife are big Trumpsters. He's a white man but:
She is hispanic.
Her mom is mexican.
He is disabled.
I don't follow them on Facebook because he was insufferable during the first Trump Presidency and ever since, but from what I hear from my wife he is removed up an absolute storm while also insisting that Democrats were/are even worse.
The cognitive dissonance is nearing it's inflection point and I'm just waiting. It hasn't even been two months and, while this 4 years promises to be even longer than his first term (somehow) I'm not nearly as despondent. I've just embraced the fact that we're all fucked and I'm enjoying watching them eagerly watching that iceberg they've steered into our path.
When this is all over, if it's within my lifetime, I'll be part of rebuilding the pieces and hopefully they will stay the fuck out of the way this time.
I mean… I hope you’re right, but I think a lot of these guys (and it is almost all guys) are legit somewhat psychotic and would consider getting to fuck up and abuse “enemies” a form of pay.