Thx for your reply
. As long as our societies are influenced by class relations, states are going to exist for the foreseeable future.
IMO there's a false dichotomy here that nearly everyone I've talked to falls into, that there are only two ways to move into the future, the "tankie" way (is there a non-offensive word that means what "tankie" means and isn't specific to a tendency like "ML"?) and the anarchist way.
The tankie way is basically to unite the people, start a revolution to beat down capitalism, and form into a new authoritarian govt. but this time of the people. Somehow this new government is not going to become corrupted? And eventually no longer be needed and vanish?
The anarchist way is to unite the people, start a revolution to beat down capitalsm, and then... ???
I see fatal flaws in both of these paths that look obvious to me. To the tankies, a government not becoming corrupt? Talk about high fantasy. For the anarchists, what happens after? How to prevent warlords, or surviving capitalists from taking over again? It's an incomplete plan at best.
My personal position is that cultural progress must come first. To tankies, you can't force peace and harmony on hundreds of millions of people at once at the barrel of a gun. And to other anarchist, if you give millions of people who only know capitalism and exploitation sudden complete freedom as anarchist want would lead to chaos and destruction. Any attempts at revolution before the culture is ready for it will lead to protracted war, famine, etc.
So, why wait for a revolution to start building out of the ashes (which to be clear, a revolution of this scale would kill millions of people and cause massive permanent ecological damage, assuming a revolution like that could even happen in 2023 in the U.S., just the question of how to handle nuclear materials alone is daunting), we can work now to build the future from where we are now.
We can use any and all not-quite full on revolutionary tactics to weaken and destroy capitalism. (I'm not a pacifist btw, and not against all violence, I just think full-on revolution won't work)
- The fediverse will help us make much progress, being able to talk away from corporate censorship will have an effect I'm pretty sure.
- Being a good example and helping people - so people start to see who is on their side
- Teaching people, I'm working on starting local groups to teach people how to move away from Microsoft and how to join the fediverse.
- Starting co-ops, free shops
- Garage bars with free drinks/byob, weekly block parties with free food for anyone around
- Organized community backyard farming
- Sabotage MSM
- Tons of other things
--> We need to get people to start not looking to the government for solutions and start looking to their communities by providing superior solutions. If our communist way is better, let's demonstrate it.