Also, never said unranked.. I meant simply hide the rankings
Sounds trash to me. Fortunately it would be trivial for me to add them back in because again, all you're doing is making the information inconvenient.
It also means that people don't mindlessly upvote posts simply because there were a lot of upvotes
Is that how your mind works? I've never once done this and I'm extremely skeptical that anyone does. Sounds to me like you don't like the content and have decided that nobody really does, they're just upvoting it because it was upvoted.
Showing Upvotes/downvotes doesn't show whether they are bots are not. It just means they'll upvote/downvote more random shit and mess around wit the rest of the posts, so more crap rises to the top because they're interfering with the rankings.
A log of votes is the data you need to discover bots. It doesn't magically reveal them, nor did I claim it would.
Voting on random shit might make a slightly more plausible voting log for a bot but that's going to be far more obvious than you think, won't actually interfere with the rankings if it's truly random and once again, not having rankings shown doesn't address this problem either.
Votes and rankings are always knowable, even if you hide them from the UI. If there is a pressure to make bots plausible through random voting, that pressure exists regardless of it being shown on the default UI. All you're doing is misleading users about what information they're exposing.
There are easier ways to identify bots
Describe them.
And, it just aids abusive people
You've already claimed to be a victim of them and your solution does nothing to address it. You're just adding another value to the list of poorly obscured information, because it's what you personally want.